
2021年4月2日—Inshort:Esc+gg+dGiswhatyouneedtodofordeletingallthelinesofthefileinVim.Youcanundothedeletebypressingthekeyu.It ...,2020年4月22日—DeleteAllLines·1.First,pressEsc.·2.Then,deleteeverythingwithinthefilebytyping::%d·3.Onceyourunthiscommand,thetext ...,2011年6月3日—Thisexecutesnormalmodecommandsonalllinesthatmatchthelastsearchpattern.Thecommandsaregntoselectthematch,dtodeleteit,0P ...,2...

How to Delete All Lines of a File in Vim [Quick Tip]

2021年4月2日 — In short: Esc + gg + dG is what you need to do for deleting all the lines of the file in Vim. You can undo the delete by pressing the key u. It ...

How to Delete a Line in VIM All, Multiple, Range)

2020年4月22日 — Delete All Lines · 1. First, press Esc . · 2. Then, delete everything within the file by typing: :%d · 3. Once you run this command, the text ...

Delete all text in line beforeafter highlighted search pattern

2011年6月3日 — This executes normal mode commands on all lines that match the last search pattern. The commands are gn to select the match, d to delete it, 0P ...

How I can delete in VIM all text from current line to end of file?

2011年11月14日 — Press G i.e Shift + g to select the text from the cursor to the end of the file . Now press x ...

How can I delete all lines in a file using vi?

2014年10月13日 — If your cursor is on the first line (if not, type: gg or 1G ), then you can just use dG . It will delete all lines from the current line to the ...

How can I delete in Vim all text from current cursor position ...

2023年6月27日 — With your cursor in starting position to begin, you can do: vG$d. v ( enter visual mode ); G ( go to bottom of file ); $ ( go to end of line ) ...

How to Delete all Text in a File Using ViVim Editor?

2023年6月7日 — Step-by-Step Guide on How to Delete All Text in a File Using Vi/Vim Editor · Open the file with the editor. The first step is to open the file ...

Select all in Vim Vi

Go to normal mode - [.inline-code]ESC[.inline-code] · Enter command mode - [.inline-code]:[.inline-code] · Select All - [.inline-code]%[.inline-code] · Delete - [.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
